Ms. Amann

Name: Ms. Amann

Birthday:November 21

Favorite foods:

Favorite restaurants, coffee shops, etc.: Starbucks, Chipotle, Chick fil a, California Tortilla

Favorite snacks: popcorn, veggies, cheese and crackers

Favorite desserts: anything chocolate and peanut butter!

Favorite beverages: coffee, cherry pepsi, diet coke

Hobbies: I like to read, craft, spend time with family

Favorite sports/activities: I play soccer every week! Like to watch soccer, basketball, hockey, baseball

Favorite sports team: Washington Spirit & Washington Capitals

Favorite color: teal or turquoise

Favorite flower: Hydrangeas or peonies

Favorite place(s) to receive gift cards: Starbucks, amazon, target

Things I always need: Pencils and glue sticks!

Where are your favorite places to buy books: Target or amazon

Where are you favorite places to buy school/office supplies: Target or amazon