
Fallsmead loves and appreciates our parent volunteers! Both our school and our PTA rely on the time and energy of dedicated volunteers to make every school year a great one. There are positions and opportunities of all types and we encourage you to find something that fits your talents and schedules. Whether you have time to chair or assist in a committee, create a new one, volunteer for a one-time event, volunteer in a classroom, or just help in any capacity, your help will be very much appreciated!

*Updated 9/15/23 - please find the most up-to-date information on volunteer training in this google doc.*

Fallsmead Elementary Volunteer Opportunities

PTA Volunteers

The PTA is staffed by wonderful parent volunteers who organize, plan, and carry out programs that benefit your children and our school. We are always in need of Committee chairs or people to work on our Committees; people to help out with one-time community events (like the Back to School Bash and Spring Fair); people to help out with school activities and programs (like Staff Appreciation of After School Activities); people to help with fundraising; and more!  Check out our list of Committees or our events Calendar to see what looks interesting for you! 

If you would like to volunteer for the PTA, contact the chairperson HERE for the committee you wish to work on and let him/her know your availability and what you’d like to do. You can also contact any PTA board member.  Additionally, throughout the year you’ll hear of various opportunities to help out. Some happen at school during the day, but there are many options for working parents, too. Do you have a talent or resource you can share? We’d love to hear from you!  Parent involvement is at the heart of the success of our school. If you have time to Chair a committee, assist in a Committee, or just help in any capacity, our PTA needs you. 

Room Parents

Being a room parent is a wonderful way to stay connected to your child’s classroom activities, to get to know other parents, and to be involved in the school. Room Parents coordinate classroom parties at Halloween, Valentine's Day, and the End of the Year; create and maintain class contact lists; collect class funds; and distribute important reminders and messages to parents, acting as the communication link between classroom parents, your teacher, and the PTA.

Parents can sign up to be Room Parents at the beginning of each school year. Either at the Open House or on your child's Back to School night, teachers will have sign-up lists out in their classrooms for parents to sign up as Room Parents. Or, just contact your teacher directly to volunteer! Once Room parents are in place, the PTA has a Room Parent Coordinator who organizes Room Parents and acts as a liaison between the school, the PTA, and the parents.

Recess Volunteers

Recess is a very busy time for children, and the school welcomes additional eyes and ears during recess time. The PTA circulates a SignUp Genius sign-up during the school year to help recruit and coordinate Recess Volunteers.   

School Volunteers

Teachers (especially in the younger classrooms) and Fallsmead staff always appreciate assistance from volunteer parents for every-day classroom tasks, to help students with classroom activities, and to help out with school activities. 

The school also solicits volunteers for school activities throughout the year. This includes Field Days (a spring event when volunteers work with the PE teacher to help organize and assist with games) and Career Day (when parents come and speak to students about their career, education, and work). 

Contact your teacher or the school office directly to volunteer in the classroom or for other school activities.  JUST REMEMBER: Please arrange volunteer times with your child's teacher before you come in to volunteer. When you arrive, remember to stop by the front office to check in and pick up a visitor/volunteer badge. When your assignment is completed, please sign out in the front office to record your volunteer hours. Every visitor must present a valid ID in order to sign in. 

Parent Volunteer Training

All parents who want to volunteer with children in classrooms (including class parties and classroom volunteering) need to participate in parent volunteer training offered by the PTA. These training sessions are valid for two academic years (they need to be repeated every other year). 

If you haven't done the training module in the past two school years, you will need to complete it before you can volunteer in the building. Here's how you do it (you'll need an active ParentVUE account):

If you don't yet have an active ParentVUE account, please contact Mrs. Paola T Valle.

To learn more or to ask questions, please contact the front office or email the volunteer coordinator at volunteer@fallsmeadpta.org.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

The following PTA positions are open for the 2023-2024 school year:

Visit the Committee Page for more about our Committees!

Contact the PTA President if you are interested!