About Us

About the Fallsmead PTA

The Fallsmead Elementary School PTA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps maintain high standards at Fallsmead by planning and funding school programs, community events, and general projects that enhance our students’ education and environment. Our PTA supports critical programs that help our educators create an environment of academic excellence, empower your children to have academically and culturally enriching experiences inside and outside of the classroom, and provide a rich mix of events that build connections and friendships for students and families. The PTA is staffed by wonderful parent volunteers who organize, plan, and carry out programs that benefit your children and our school.

CLICK HERE for some Frequently Asked Questions about the Fallsmead PTA!

PTA Meetings

Fallsmead PTA meetings are usually held monthly or bi-monthly during the school year. Click HERE to find out the exact dates of the PTA meetings. These meetings are open meetings, and everyone is welcome to attend. They are held in the Media Center. PTA meetings typically begin with the approval of the minutes from the prior meeting, followed by reports from the PTA President and then the Executive Board. Guest speakers sometimes attend meetings to speak about special topics important to Fallsmead teachers, staff, and students. 

Although PTA meeting attendance is not a mandatory condition of membership, PTA meetings are a great way to make your voice heard and stay in the loop with what’s going on in the PTA (plus, we would love to see you there!).

What Does the PTA Do?

A lot more than you think!  Check out the flyer below and our FAQs page for just some of the PTA's activities!