Fallsmead Wish List
The Fallsmead staff greatly appreciate your donation! Please click on the links below to view the needed items on the wish lists of our wonderful classrooms, and check back frequently for new Wish List items.
1st Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
How It Works
Teachers add requested items to their classroom's Amazon Wish List. Parents or others may purchase these items as gifts for the classroom. If you are not familiar with how Amazon Wish Lists work, please refer to the instructions below:
Click on one of the teacher's wish lists linked on this page.
Choose the item(s) you'd like to purchase for that classroom by clicking the "add to cart" button next to the item(s).
Click "proceed to checkout" from the wish list or from your cart. From here you'll be able to choose to have the item(s) delivered to yourself or under the "Other Addresses" section you can select the first option to have the items delivered to "[teacher's name] Gift Registry Address."
For more expensive items, some teachers may choose to add multiple Amazon Gift Cards in smaller denominations instead of adding the item itself to the wish list. This simply allows more than one person to contribute and "pool" money toward a larger purchase. An individual still may purchase more than one of these gift cards if they would like to make a larger contribution.
If you have added items to your cart from multiple teachers' wish lists, you'll want to have those items delivered directly to yourself. Amazon does not correctly offer the option to deliver to more than one registry address in a single transaction.
For questions, please contact wishlist@fallsmeadpta.org.