Mrs. Manoel

Teacher Name: Amanda Manoel

Birthday: July 5

Favorite Foods: coffee, sweet and savory- like dark chocolate pretzels ☺ or homestyle popcorn

Favorite Places to Eat: Julii, Pinstripes

Hobbies: DIY crafting

Sports/Activities: we love soccer in my house!

Favorite Sports Teams: DC United, Commanders

Favorite Color: green, black, purple and gray

Favorite Flower: lily

Favorite places for gift cards: Target, Amazon, Starbucks

Favorite places for school/office supplies: Target

Things you can’t have too much of (sweets, school supplies, etc.)-Papermate Flair pen/markers

Anything else you would like us to know about you: I have 3 kiddos! ☺ Two boys and a little girl