Mrs. Rind

Name: Rachel Rind

Birthday: June 7th

Favorite foods? Apples, bread, chocolate, peanut butter

Favorite restaurants, coffee shops, etc.: Starbucks, Cafe Rio, Chipotle, Panera

Favorite snacks: Trail Mix, fruit

Favorite desserts: Brownies, Sugar Cookies, chocolate with mint or peanut butter

Favorite beverages: Coffee!

Hobbies: Running, painting, reading

Favorite sports/activities: Basketball, baseball

Favorite sports team: Orioles or UVA Basketball

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite flower: Sunflower

Favorite place(s) to receive gift cards: Target, Amazon, Starbucks

Things I always need: Stickers, Tissues, Clorox Wipes

Favorite places to buy books: Barnes and Noble

Favorite places to buy school/office supplies: Target

Other things I love: I love anything crafty, finding new books to read, and exploring new places!