Ms. Evans

Name: Lisa Evans

Birthday: March 2

Favorite Foods: Thai, Italian, Mediterranean

Favorite Places to Eat: Aiyara Thai (Leesburg; it’s far but worth it) Zoe’s Kitchen, Moby Dicks, love a variety of pizza places as well

Hobbies: reading, gardening, playing games, traveling, antiquing

Sports/Activities: hiking, running, taking long drives to new places, kayaking

Favorite Sports Teams: don’t really have any, just my daughter’s soccer team!

Favorite Color: royal blue

Favorite Flower: I like a variety; prefer vases filled with an arrangement

Favorite places for gift cards: Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Barnes and Noble, Wegmans

Favorite places for school/office supplies: Staples, Target

Things you can’t have too much (snacks, school supplies, etc.)


Trail Mix, Coke Zero, Jalapeno Potato Chips, Peppermint Gum,

Strawberries, Bluberries, Ice Cream


Pens! Nice multi-colored Bic or Paper Mate or Felt tip pens

Anything else you would like to share about yourself to the class: