Ms. "Liz" (Lizarzaburu)
Name: Marissa C Lizarzaburu
Birthday: April 29
Favorite foods: Italian, Japanese and Mexican
Favorite restaurants, coffee shops, etc.: Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, Chipotle, Sushi places
Favorite snacks: white cheddar popcorn, salt and vinegar chips, cheezeits
Favorite desserts: snickerdoodle cookie, milk chocolate caramel
Favorite beverages: coca-cola, coffee, cherry coke, gatorade
Hobbies: knitting, drawing and watching tv shows, going to target
Favorite sports/activities: hockey, hiking, baseball
Favorite sports team: Anaheim Angels
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite flower: Sunflowers
Favorite place(s) to receive gift cards: Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, Target, Chipotle
Things I always need: pencils, pens, glue sticks, notepads
Favorite places to buy books: Amazon, Target
Favorite places to buy school/office supplies: Amazon, Target
Other things I love: Spending time with my kids and going out to eat.