Ms. Weich

Name: Rose Weich (Instrumental Music Teacher)

Birthday:  May 3

Favorite Foods: Dark Chocolate, pretzels, goldfish, fusion foods, coffee

Favorite Places to Eat: willing to try anything at least once!

Hobbies: Sewing, baking, playing in pit orchestras and other ensembles

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Flower: Roses

Favorite places for gift cards: Target, Amazon, Music and Arts

Favorite places for school/office supplies: Amazon, Music and Arts, L&L Music

Things you can’t have too much: Snacks, instruments supplies for students like reeds, cork grease, valve oil, slide oil, and rosin.

Anything else you would like to share about yourself to the class: Would love an electric keyboard if anyone has one that they no longer use at home! Or a large sound system that can be used in class and at concerts!