Ms. Hunn

Name: Nicole Hunn

Birthday: May 3

Favorite Foods: Salt and Vinegar Chips, Skinny Pop, and Oreos

Favorite Places to Eat: Mezeh, Nalley Fresh, and Starbucks

Hobbies: Reading and going to the beach

Sports/Activities: Taking my dogs for walks

Favorite Sports Teams: Philadelphia Eagles

Favorite Color: Light Blue

Favorite Flower: Anything colorful and bright!

Favorite places for gift cards: Target, Amazon, Starbucks

Favorite places for school/office supplies: Target and Amazon

Things you can’t have too much (snacks, school supplies, etc.): Gum, Pencils, Paper Mate Flair Pens

Anything else you would like to share about yourself with the class: The best way to contribute supplies to our classroom is to take a look at our Amazon Wishlist! I update this throughout the school year. I appreciate your consistent support from home to make this a great 5th grade year for all of the students! 🙂